A brief resume of St.Mark's Parish Church and Choir.
St. Mark's Church was consecrated in 1898 and originally was the daughter church of St. Peter & St. Paul, Bromley.
It now is its own Parish and is a fine Victorian building situated just off the High Street. Partially destroyed by enemy action during the Second World War, St. Mark's was reconsecrated in 1953 with slightly larger dimensions.
The church has always enjoyed a strong choral tradition which is very much part of today's worship and life. The music in St.Mark's is an important feature of the worship. Choral services are sung each week (except in August, when the choir has a holiday!)and a choral Eucharist setting is used. An anthem is also sung at each service. Two evening services are sung each month (Sung & Choral). The Sung Evensong is an adult-only choir with chanted canticles, anglican chant psalm, preces & responses plus anthem. For Choral Evensong, the junior choristers are also in attendance, however the canticles are sung to a setting by a composer.
As well as the normal Sunday commitments the choir over recent years under its present choirmaster, Andrew Wilson, has re-established itself at some of England's best cathedrals. Further information can be seen at our 'Cathedral Visits' link.
The choir has around thirty members of which 14 are children. We welcome boy and girl choristers from the age of seven. These choristers are encouraged to participate in the Royal School of Church Music Ribbon Award scheme, then moving on to the Deanery and Diocesan Awards presented by Rochester Diocese.
Our adult choir is a compliment of Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses. We are actively seeking new members as we have just bid farewell to three young men to University.