Junior Choristers
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Singing can be fun!
If your son or daughter enjoys singing then St. Mark's would like to hear them! Children can join from the age of seven and serve a 'probationary' period of four months. Once this time has been served they are invited to become a full chorister and are presented with their surplice by the Vicar during a service.
From this point the children are encouraged to follow the Royal School of Church Music Ribbon "Voice for Life" programme. The scheme awards youngsters with ribbons worn with their robes. Different colours denote achievement and seniority. The following colours are awarded:

Light Blue
Dark Blue

Each award follows a progress of achievement. The scheme is not just a measure of singing, but takes into account, conduct, commitment, teamwork and attitude.

Further awards are then available via the Diocese of Rochester, these being Deanery (Green) and Diocesan(Purple). These awards are also available for young adults to enter.

In addition to the above, the choir is fun, where youngsters mix with adults in a professional environment. Singing in a choir nurtures good discipline, an appreciation of music and christian faith. It can also enhance their musical awareness, music studies at school and musical instrument tuition.

As well as the normal Sunday commitment, the junior choristers are often invited to sing at weddings held in the church. This is a paid engagement and supplements pocket money!

The choir makes regular trips to cathedrals, some occasionally residential which present a marvellous experience in singing and fellowship.

Each year the choristers are rewarded with a fully paid outing to which there is always a full attendance!!